After a nearly four months of blogging, Dr. Jessica and I have made some important distinctions in in the blogging arena. First we started reading others blogs and commenting on what we liked and didn't like and got the wheels turning on how we can improve our blog and make it more "reader friendly". Our goal is to educate and empower you as a reader about health issues that relate to you and to inspire you to make great health decisions that cumulatively will change your life.
In the future look for a shorter blog entry that comes more often. The style of the blog will be more personal than academic. Also slightly more opinionated to create discussion. Feel free to voice your opinion, or ask questions by responding in our blog or simply email us at DRJ@RhinebeckChiropractic.com.
Lastly, keep up to date with our blogs by subscribing n the RSS feeder so you know when new posts are available for your viewing pleasure.
Get ready.......
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